Students: Download and fill out your YouthForce Apprenticeship Application Form now!

The Morelock Center YouthForce is an economic and job readiness program within the P.I.E. Center. YouthForce was developed for the purpose of equipping youth with the tools necessary for professionalism and success through:

  • career exploration
  • the development of skills and certifications
  • the development of a growth mindset that raises the
  • level of work ethic
  • introducing a sense of pride to continue investing in
  • their personal productivity
  • supporting the overall goal of breaking the cycle of
  • poverty within their family unit and community

Communities and businesses all across the Ocoee Region (and beyond) are experiencing a serious skills gap. Jobs that require new skills are being created more quickly than people can be trained to fill them. BGCOR’s mission has always been to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. A major factor in fulfilling that mission is to equip students with the skills they need to not only secure a GREAT FUTURE for themselves, but to do so in ways that help our communities to continue growing and strengthening.